Hoofdstuk 1 - Woordelijst unit 1

Bij methode English in Mind aangemaakt op 26-09-2023 door levi en inmiddels 174 keer bekeken.
Leerjaar: 2


canal = kanaal
century = eeuw
Eighteenth = achtiende
engine = motor
experiment = experiment
frozen = bevroren
chewing-gum = kauwgom
impatient = ongeduldig
to invent = uitvinden
inventor = uitvinder
middle = midden
to notice = opmerken
object = voorwerp
to open = openen
rubber = rubber
to roller skate = rolschaatsen
trap = val
to try = proberen
tyre = band
action = handeling
handstand = handstand
secretary = secretaris, secretaresse
to sit = zitten
background = achtergrond
description = omschrijving
desk = bureau
diagram = diagram
Earth = aarde
to land = landen
planet = planeet
to ring = rinkelen
spaceship = ruimteschip
aeroplane / airplane / plane = vliegtuig
anybody = iedereen
artist = kunstenaar
bird = vogel
blind = blind
to bounce = stuiteren
circus = circus
composition = componeren
creativity = creativiteit
creator = uitvinder
factor = reden
failure = mislukking
important = belangrijk
innovation = vernieuwing
inspiration = inspiratie
practice = oefening
to practise / practice = oefenen
to receive = ontvangen
safety net = vangnet
system = systeem
talent = talent
trampoline = trampoline
trapeze = trapeze
truth = waarheid
unique = uniek
useful = nuttig
wet = nat
aluminium / aluminum = aluminium
cassette = cassette
company = bedrijf
cylinder = cylinder
diamond = diamant
to disappear = verdwijnen
disc jockey = deejay
disk = diskette
foil = folie
gramophone = grammofoon
hole = gat
mainly = hoofdzakelijk
needle = naald
Nineteenth = negentiende
phonograph = fonograaf
piano = piano
portable = draagbaar
program = programmeren
recording = opname
specialist = specialist
step = stap
toward(s) = in de richting van
twentieth = twintigste
vinyl = vinyl
wax = wax
wireless = radio
cotton = katoen
to stick = kleven
suggestion = suggestie
trousers I pants = broek
velcro = klittenband
woods = bos