Beautician vocabulary

Bij methode Engels aangemaakt op 26-05-2021 door simoneeggengoor en inmiddels 353 keer bekeken.
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knippen = to cut
vijlen = to file
masseren = To massage
reinigen = to clean
desinfecteren = To disinfect
lakken = to polish
lichaamsdelen = Body parts
vingers = fingers
tenen = toes
nagels = nails
handen = hands
voeten = feet
winterhanden = chilblains
Bouw van de nagel = Structure of the nail
Nagel plaat = Nail plate
nagelbed = Nail bed
nagelriem = cuticle
nageluiteinde = Free edge
groei = growth
groeien = to grow
nagelwortel = Nail root
nagelwal = Nail wall
Halve maantje = lunula
Overlangse nagelgroeven = Lengthwise nail grooves
Dwarse nagel groeven = Crosswise nail grooves
Functie van de nagel = Function of the nail
bescherming = protection
lichaam = body
romp = torso
lichaamsdelen = Body parts
hoofd = head
schedel = skull
haar = hair
gezicht = face
oren = ears
ogen = eyes
wenkbrauwen = eyebrows
wimpers = eyelashes
neus = nose
mond = mouth
tanden = teeth
lippen = lips
kin = chin
hals = neck
nek = Nape of the neck
schouders = shoulders
schouderbladen = shoulder blades
schoudertop = shoulder top
sleutelbeen = collarbone
armen = arms
bovenarm = upper arm
onderarm = forearm
schedel = skull
voorhoofd = forehead
voorhoofdsknobbel = Frontal eminence
slaap = temple
ogen = eyes
wenkbrauwen = eyebrows
wenkbrauwboog = Superciliary arch
wimpers = eyelashes
oogbol = eyeball
ooghoek = Corner of the eye
ooglid = eyelid
oogwit = White of the eyes
oren = ears
oorlel = earlobe
oorprop = earplug
oorschelp = auricle
trommelvlies = eardrum
jukbeenderen = cheekbones
neus = nose
Nasio-labiale plooi = Nasolabial fold
Filtrum = philtrum
mondhoek = Corner of the mouth
tanden = teeth
lippen = lips
kaak = jaw
kaakijn = jawline
kinkuiltje = dimple
wang = cheek
Uiterlijke verzorging = cosmetology
Wellness medewerker = cosmetologist
schoonheidsspecialist = beautician
kapper = hairdresser
Gastvrouw = Hostess
Fitness instructeur = fitness instructor
schoonheidssalon = Beauty salon
dermatologie = dermatology
huidlagen = Layers of the skin
opperhuid = epidermis
huid = dermis
Normale huis = Normal skin
Droge huid = Dry skin
Vette huid = Oily skin
Gecombineerde huid = Combination skin
Jonge huid = Young skin
Rijpere huid = Mature / older skin
Gladde huid = Smooth skin
Ruwe huid = Rough skin
Gevoelige huid = Sensitive skin
Droge huid = Dehydrated skin
Verstopte huid = Congested skin
elleboog = elbow
pols = wrist
vingers = fingers
vingerkootje = phalanx
handwortelbeen = carpal
borstkas = chest
borstbeen = breastbone
borsten = breasts
decollete = decolletage
oksels = armpits
rug = back
ruggengraat = spine
ruggenwervel = vertebra
gewricht = joint
tussenwervelschijf = disc
gelei = jelly
maag = stomach
buik = abdomen
taille = waist
billen = buttocks
bilnaad = Anal cleft
heupen = hips
benen = legs
bovenbeen = Upper leg / thigh
onderbeen = leg
scheenbeen = shin
kuit = calf
knie = knee
knieholte = Back of the knee
enkel = ankle
Hak / hiel = heel
spataderen = Varicose veins
spier = muscle
bloedvat = Blood vessel
slijmbeurs = bursa
pees = tendon
weefsel = tissue
zenuw = nerve
haargroei = Hair growth
overbeharing = Excessive hair growth
Ingegroeide haren = Ingrown hairs
stoppels = stubble
Hars apparaat = Resin apparatus
harsstrips = Pre Waxed strips
Desinfectie lotion = Disinfection lotion
Na behandelings lotion = After-care lotion
Verkoelende gel = Cooling lotion
scheren = to shave
ontharingscreme = Depilatory cream
vacuumzuigapparaat = Vacuum suction apparatus
lichaamsvibratie apparaat = Body vibration apparatus
tastzin = (sense of) touch
wartmeregulatie = warmth regulation
nagelafwijkingen = Nail disorders
splijtende nagel = Splitting nail
Scheurende nagel = Torn nail
Witte vlekjes in de nagel = White spots in the nail
Ingegroeide nagel = Ingrown nail
nagelontsteking = Inflammation of the nail
eelt = callous
kloven = Splits / chapped
rimpels = wrinkles
pigmentvlekken = Birthmarks / moles
likdoorns = corns
Nagel vormen = Nail shapes
rond = round
puntig = pointed
ovaal = oval
rechthoekig = square
instrumenten = Implements / tools
Nageltang / nagelknipper = Nail clippers
nagelschaar = Nail and cuticle scissors
bokkepoot = Cat's paw
diamantvijl = Diamond file
Kartonnen vijl = Emery board
polijstkussentje = Nail service cushion
voetvijl = Foot file
spatel = (cosmetic) spatulas
vingerbad = Finger bowl
voetbad = Foot bath
olie = oil
crème = cream
handreiniger = Hand cleanser
Hand crème = Hand lotion
Voet crème = Foot lotion
nagelriemolie = Cuticle oil
Nagelriemverwijderaar = Cuticle remover
nagelverharder = Nail strengthener
remover = Polish remover
nagellak = nailpolish
Gekleurde lak = Coloured nailpolish
Basis lak = Base coat
toplak = topcoat
Wattenstaafjes = Cotton swabs
Wattenschijfjes = Cotton pads
tissues = tissues
handdoekjes = towelettes
vuilnisbakje = dustbin
tafel = table
stoel = chair
kruk = stool
behandelstoel = Treatment chair
lamp = lamp
wattenpot = Cotton jar
wegwerphandschoenen = Disposable gloves
mondmasker = Mouth mask
teenkam = Toe separators