Bladzijde 40, Traffic (2)
Bij methode Finish Up aangemaakt op 23-09-2022 door emma en inmiddels 244 keer bekeken.
Leerjaar: 4
Niveau: vwo
to occur, to happen = gebeuren toll = aantal (slachtoffers), tol / tolgeld reckless = roekeloos flammable, inflammable = ontvlambaar motorist = automobilist traffic jam = opstopping jammed, congested = verstopt congestion = verstopping charge = heffing tailback = file to fine = bekeuren fine = boete ticket = bekeuring, bon regulation, rule = regel lorry, truck = vrachtwagen to collide = botsen collision = botsing injured = gewond injury = verwonding damage = schade to damage = beschadigen vulnerable = kwetsbaar Limited, restricted = beperkt