Hoofdstuk 9 - words unit 9+10

Bij methode Solutions aangemaakt op 02-06-2022 door david en inmiddels 321 keer bekeken.
Leerjaar: 2 Niveau: havo/vwo


Accuracy = nauwkeurigheid
atlas = atlas
autobiography = autobiografie
back cover = achterplat
badge = identificatieplaatje
base on = baseren op
be set in = zich afspelen in
best-seller = bestseller
biography = biografie
chapter = hoofdstuk
character = karakter
classic novel = klassieke roman
comic = stripverhaal
comic novel = komische roman
contents page = inhoudsopgave
cookbook = kookboek
criticism = kritiek
dictionary = woordenboek
disciplined = gedisciplineerd
encyclopaedia = encyclopedie
fantasy = fantasie
fiction = fictie
front cover = voorplat
gripping = pakkend
guidebook = gids
hardback = gebonden boek
historical novel = historische roman
horror = horror
humble = bescheiden
identify with = identificeren met
imaginary = fantasie
intend = van plan zijn
issue = nummer
kidnap = ontvoeren
literature = literatuur
magazine = tijdschrift
manual = handleiding
newspaper = krant
novel = roman
novelist = romanschrijver
paperback = paperback
perform = spelen
persistent = volhardend
play = toneelstuk
playwright = toneelschrijver
poem = gedicht
poet = dichter
print = drukken
publication = publicatie
publish = publiceren
quality = kwaliteit
recommend = aanbevelen
retire = met pensioen gaan
romantic fiction = romantische fictie
science fiction = science fiction
short story = kort verhaal
spine = rug
telepathy = telepathie
textbook = tekstboek
provoking = tot nadenken stemmend
title = titel
translate = vertalen
accidentally = per ongeluk
admit = toegeven
afterwards = later
ancient = antiek
arrest = arresteren
astonished = stomverbaasd
brilliant = briljant
broke (adj) = blut
burglary = inbraak
canvas (bag) = linnen
catch up = inhalen
catch = vangen
cave = grot
chaos = chaos
charge (with a crime) = beschuldigen
chase = achtervolgen
circumstances = omstandigheden
commit (a crime) = plegen
computer virus = computervirus
confess = bekennen
considerable = aanzienlijk
conversation = gesprek
crime = criminaliteit
criminal = crimineel
crops = graan, oogst
detective = rechercheur
discover = ontdekken
drought = droogte
drown = verdrinken
drug dealer = (drugs)dealer
drug dealing = drugshandel
earthquake = aardbeving
entirely = helemaal
eventually = uiteindelijk
experience = ervaring
expression = uitdrukking
flood = overstromen
forest fire = bosbrand
forest = bos
generally = gewoonlijk
grow = kweken
guilty = schuldig
gun = vuurwapen
happiness = geluk
honour = eer
hurricane = orkaan
ill = ziek
island = eiland
lake = meer
magnifying glass = vergrootglas
merely = slechts
mountain = berg
murder = moord
murderer = moordenaar
notice = opmerken
obviously = duidelijk
opportunity = kans
order = bevel geven
original = origineel
permission = toestemming
prison = gevangenis
private = prive
question = ondervragen
realise = beseffen
religion = godsdienst
result = resultaat
reward = beloning
rise = stijgen
robber = dief
robbery = beroving
ruin = verwoesten
sand dune = zandduin
system = navigatiesysteem
scarcely = nauwelijks
shoplifter = winkeldief
shoplifting = winkeldiefstal
society = maatschappij
somewhat = iets
spare time = vrije tijd
starve = verhongeren
storm = storm
sentence = voorwaardelijke straf
terrific = geweldig
terrified = doodsbang
theft = diefstal
tornado = tornado
trial = proces
tsunami = tsunami
vandal = vandaal
vandalism = vandalisme
victim = slachtoffer
vital = vitaal
volcanic eruption = vulkaanuitbarsting
wallet = portemonnee
while = terwijl
wood = hout
worth = waarde