Nature 1&2
Bij methode Ace deel 69 aangemaakt op 28-07-2022 door sophie en inmiddels 322 keer bekeken.
Leerjaar: 8
Niveau: basisschool
Earth = aarde earthquake = aardbeving countryside = platteland forest = woud edge = rand wood = bos to surround = omgeven surroundings = omgeving oak = eik axe = bijl branch = tak leaf = blad root = wortel hedge = heg artificial = kunstmatig to pick = plukken scent = geur area = gebied flat = plat hill = heuvel hilly = heuvelachtig mountain = berg scenery = natuurschoon desert = woestijn (in)visible = (on)zichtbaar avalanche = lawine valley = dal cave = grot steep = steil slope = helling to cover = bedekken litter / rubbish = afval / rommel dustbin = vuilnisbak mud = modder wet = nat extremely = buitengewoon to pollute = vervuilen factory / plant = fabriek pollution = vervuiling environment = millieu environmental = millieu- environmentalist = millieubeschermer (in)fertile = (on)vruchtbaar soil = grond / aarde fertiliser = kunstmest to grow = groeien / kweken crop = gewas harvest / crop = oogst to fail = mislukken failure = mislukking to try / to attempt = proberen attempt = poging to succeed (in) = slagen (in) to manage (to) = slagen (in) site = terrein