Hoofdstuk 9 - Economics
Bij methode Engels Idioom aangemaakt op 17-12-2021 door david en inmiddels 408 keer bekeken.
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vat = btw virtually = praktisch to waver = aarzelen to satisfy = bevredigen stock (These items are out of stock) = voorraad congestion = verstopping site = locatie to purchase = kopen currency = valuta instalment = termijn range = assortiment sample = monster estate = landgoed source = bron setback = tegenslag to extend = uitbreiden port = haven ordinary = gewoon size = omvang stock (some of these stockholders are only interested in preferred stocks) = aandeel to settle = voldoen bargain = koopje to merge with = fuseren met budget = begroting rapid = snel to insure = verzekeren tax = belasting circulation = omloop economie = economisch overdraft = bankschuld the Stock Exchange = de beurs to transfer = overmaken economy = economie per capita = per hoofd van de bevolking affluence = rijkdom prosperous = welvarend unemployment = werkloosheid selfsufficient = onafhankelijk boost = stimulans decline = afname to reject = verwerpen cutback = bezuiniging gain = winst profit = winst lack = gebrek stance = standpunt despite = ondanks vocational = beroeps- to contribute = bijdragen worthwhile = de moeite waard scarce = schaars to confine to = beperken tot considerable = aanzienlijk deceit = bedrog to resume = hervatten labour = arbeid to ensure = garanderen to distribute = verdelen wealth = rijkdom economical = zuinig economically = economisch gezien to inhibit = weerhouden hardship = ontbering shortage = tekort income = inkomen disastrous = rampzalig reduction = korting living standard = levensstandaard destitution = bittere armoede to assume = veronderstellen to escape from = ontsnappen aan continual = voortdurend to evolve = ontwikkelen corporation = bedrijf consumer = koper exploration = opsporing effective = succesvol to balance against = afwegen tegen privatization = privatisering Chancellor of the Exchequer = minister van Financiën accountable = aansprakelijk prize = prijs to succour = steunen supplier = leverancier contractor = aannemer to sell off = verkwanselen dividend = winstaandeel shares = aandeel to trade = verhandelen